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Spare Parts For Sta Rite Swimmey Pool Pump

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Product Description

Spare Parts For Sta Rite Swimmey Pool Pump 

Replacement spare parts and accessories for Pentair Sta Rite Swimmey swimming pool pumps. The item number refers to number shown on picture. Hover over the image for a larger view and to zoom in on the Swimmey spares diagram.

Description Oasis Price
R404293 Item 1- Lid £81.00
R702208 Item 2- Lid O Ring £15.50
R302310 Item 3- Basket £32.50
R505427 Item 4- Union Assembley 1.5in (2pcs) £35.00
R504605 Item 5- Drain Cap and O Ring £28.00
R303110 Item 6- Body £205.00
R731S2380 Item 7- Seal Plate 0.33 to 1hp £56.50
R604000 Item 8- Shaft Sleeve 0.33hp to 1hp £11.00
R505070 Item 8- Shaft Sleeve 1.33hp to 2hp £12.00
R111P0960 Item 9- Shaft Sleeve O Ring 0.33hp to 1hp £10.00
R702218 Item 9- Shaft Sleeve O Ring 1.3hp to 2hp


R111P0970 Item 10- Body O Ring £13.50
R111P0910 Item 11- Mechanical Seal 0.33hp to 1hp £56.00
R700270 Item 11- Mechanical Seal 1.33hp to 2hp £34.00
R302200 Item 12- Diffuser 0.33hp and 0.5hp £35.50
R302191 Item 12 - Diffuser 0.75hp and 1hp £37.00
R303460 Item 12- Diffuser 1.3hp and 2hp £53.00
R731SA210 Item 13- Impeller 0.3hp £81.00
R731S3090 Item 13 - Impeller 0.5hp £81.00
R504593 Item 13- Impeller 0.75hp £81.00
R504820 Item 13- Impeller 1hp £81.00
R504620 Item 13- Impeller 1.5hp Obsolete
R507650 Item 13- Impeller 2hp £81.00
BS228 Item 14- Union O Ring £9.60
R101P6420 Item 15- Separator Plate 0.33hp to 1hp £25.50
NPU800532 - Base Kit £16.00
NPU604020 - Clacker Flap Valve £12.00
NPU800201 - Clacker Flap Valve Screw £9.70
NPU702193 - Discharge Union O Ring £9.00

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